Granted, hurricane season officially started on June 1st, but we're starting to near the meat of the season. If you extend the predicted path of Chris, it'll roll right over Houston. Well, it's way to early to tell where it's going to actually land, but I absolutely hate to even have to think about it.
To recap last year's hurricane Rita fiasco, we spent 18 hours on the road in traffic driving to Round Rock, Texas. That's normally a 3.5 hour drive... We nearly ran out of gas, and we spent the bulk of those 18 hours in bumper-to-bumper traffic (with two large dogs). We finally made it, then after a nap we got to start working. We were a part of the remote Mission Support team dubbed "BAT." Backup Control Center (BCC) Advisory Team (BAT). NASA loves those acronym.
Boy do I love this place. I hope we don't have to go through any of that this year.
- Mike