We've been thoroughly enjoying every day with Madeleine. She's growing and changing so fast!
We bought a new (to us) piano. It's a 1910 Ludwig and Company upright grand piano. It's made out of mahogany and is very good looking. It definitely needs restored, but it sounds really good considering it's age! We bought it from a guy on Craigslist. We also paid to have it moved since it weighs around 850 pounds! That's a little too much to call in favors for!
Madeleine got Baptised. We had some family down for it and had a small reception afterwards. It was a good day.
I worked on Christmas Day this year. It was my first Christmas to work in my 11th year as a flight controller, so I guess I can't complain much. A couple days after Christmas, we headed up to Indiana to visit family.
Maddie got to go on her first plane ride. She flew really well! We were really nervous, but as it turns out, we shouldn't have been. Then again, we really did a lot of preparations for the trip, so perhaps our nervousness did pay off in the long run.
While we were in Culver, we got about a foot of snow and the temperature dropped to about 0 degrees F, so we had to bundle up Maddie a bit. It cracked us all up...!
Back in Houston, we've been experimenting with feeding Maddie some solid foods. Right now it's just single grain rice and a little apple sauce. It's mostly to get her used to it and practice swallowing a bit. She doesn't totally hate it, which is good. And we think she may even be swallowing some of it!
This weekend Molly set up a picnic for her group (ADCO) and their training counterparts (MCG). It started out wet and cold, but warmed up and actually became a good day for it. Here are some pictures from the day.
I found a very cool music website called Pandora that I have to mention. Actually, I believe that Christina told me about it. Anyway, you put in an artist that you like (or song), and the site builds a continuous playlist of similar artists and songs. It's all free too. Very cool!
So, we're going to try to be better about putting these together. Keep us honest on this one!