Saturday, June 30, 2007

13A Wrapup

To wrap-up the 13A mission, a bunch of people on the 13A team went to Boondoggles for a couple drinks after the Plaque Hanging Ceremony. It's quite an honor to hang the mission plaque in the NASA circle. It goes to the team that stuck out during the mission as contributing the most towards achieving the mission objectives. Turns out, the ADCO team was selected and Molly hung the ISS plaque as the mission lead! Here you'll see a picture of the ADCO's that were present at Boondoggles.

Cory, Erin, Ann, Kevin, Todd, Molly, and Christina.

Here are our shift team pictures:

Molly's shift

Mike's shift

Thursday, June 21, 2007

13A Complete

With ISS Flight 13A now complete, Molly and I are working on getting back into our routine. Molly was the flight lead for her group (ADCO), and I was just filling in for the ODIN team in the MPSR (supporting position). Of course we were on different shifts, so that was challenging. Also, as you may or may not know, we ran into some significant problems during the mission. But we came out of it and we're back into a good configuration... with the addition of two more solar arrays to boot! Here are some pictures:

In other news, a week before the flight my brother Joe, his wife Lisa, and their two boys Zach and Addyson came to visit. We had a great time!

Like I said, we all had fun, and if I don't say so myself, they had a killer tour of NASA!