Sunday, April 29, 2007

San Antonio Fiesta

Molly and I needed a break from Houston, so we went to San Antonio this weekend. It was really just about the only weekend we had available, and coincidentally it was "Fiesta" in San Antonio. We had never heard of it, but it's a big ol', well, Fiesta that they have every year. To be honest, every time I heard "Fiesta," I thought of "Festivus" (read Seinfeld)... It's just the way my mind works... Anyway, we stayed in the Ogé House Bed and Breakfast. It was really nice. Here is a picture we took one of the nights.

It's a mansion that was built in 1857 and is one of the 3 oldest buildings in San Antonio. It's in the King William District and for Fiesta they had the King William Fair. Here is a short video of the space shuttle and some flamingos we saw at the parade...

Oh, we did stop the the ol' trusty rusty Alamo. You always hear people say how they expected the Alamo to be bigger, but I find it quite impressive. Especially since it was built in the 18th century originally as a Spanish mission.

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